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Zeile 46: Zeile 46:
!Phantom Lancer
|Lancer, PL
!Night Stalker
|Bala, NS
|Bane, Lycan
|Bara, SB
!Black Arachnia
|Arachnia, Brood
!Centaur Warchief
|Brad, Cent
!Cairne Bloodhoof
!Tauren Chieftain
|Chieftain, TC
!Holy Knight
!Bone Fletcher
!Sand King
|Crix, SK
!Faceless Void
!Shadow Priest
!Demnok Lannik
|Lock, WL
!Keeper of the Light
|Eza, KotL
!Bounty Hunter
|Bounty, BH
!Obsidian Destroyer
|Harb, Obsi, Destroyer, Destr, OD
!Sacred Warrior
!Dark Seer
|Seer, DS
!Troll Warlord
!Twin Head Dragon
!Ancient Apparition
|Apparition, AA
!Kardel Sharpeye
!Dwarven Sniper
!King Leoric
!Skeleton King
|Leoric, Leo, Skeleking, SKK, SK
!Knight Davion
!Dragon Knight
!Death Prophet
|Krobe, DP
!Templar Assassin
!Lesale Deathbringer
|Lesale, Veno
!Leshrac the Malicious
!Tormented Soul
|Leshrac, Lesh
|Levi, Tide
!Lina Inverse
!Demon Witch
!Doom Bringer
|Luci, Doom
!Luna Moonfang
!Moon Rider
!Pandaren Brewmaster
|Merc, Spec
!Mirana Nightshade
!Priestress of the Moon
|Mirana, PotM
!Mogul Kahn
!Phantom Assassin
!Chaos Knight
!Shadow Fiend
|Never, SF

Version vom 2. April 2010, 15:56 Uhr

LordofAvernus.gif Abaddon Lord of Avernus LoA
OgreMagi.gif Aggron Stonebreaker Ogre Magi Ogre
Enchantress.gif Aiushtha Enchantress Ench, Encha
QueenofPain.gif Akasha Queen of Pain QoP
Windrunner.gif Alleria Windrunner WR
NerubianAssassin.gif Anub'arak Nerubian Assassin Nerub, NA
NerubianWeaver.gif Anub'seran Nerubian Weaver Weaver, Nerbub
BaneElemental.gif Atropos Bane Elemental Atro, Bane
PitLord.gif Azgalor Pit Lord
PhantomLancer.gif Azwraith Phantom Lancer Lancer, PL
NightStalker.gif Balanar Night Stalker Bala, NS
Lycanthrope.gif Banehallow Lycanthrope Bane, Lycan
Spiritbreaker.gif Barathrum Spiritbreaker Bara, SB
Broodmother.gif Black Arachnia Broodmother Arachnia, Brood
Tinker.gif Boush Tinker
CentaurWarchief.gif Bradwarden Centaur Warchief Brad, Cent
Taurenchieftain.jpeg Cairne Bloodhoof Tauren Chieftain Chieftain, TC
HolyKnight.gif Chen Holy Knight
BoneFletcher.gif Clinkz Bone Fletcher Bone
Sandking.gif Crixalis Sand King Crix, SK
Enigma.gif Dachrow Enigma Eni
FacelessVoid.gif Darkterror Faceless Void Void
Dazzle.gif Dazzle Shadow Priest SP
Warlock.gif Demnok Lannik Warlock Lock, WL
Undying.gif Dirge Undying UD
Keeperofthelight.png Ezalor Keeper of the Light Eza, KotL
Prophet.gif Furion Prophet
BountyHunter.gif Gondar Bounty Hunter Bounty, BH
ObsidianDestroyer.gif Harbinger Obsidian Destroyer Harb, Obsi, Destroyer, Destr, OD
SacredWarrior.gif Huskar Sacred Warrior
DarkSeer.gif Ish'kafel Dark Seer Seer, DS
TrollWarlord.gif Jah'rakal Troll Warlord Troll
TwinHeadDragon.gif Jakiro Twin Head Dragon THD
Batrider.jpeg Jin'zakk Batrider Bat
Invoker.gif Kael Invoker
Ancientapparition.jpg Kaldr Ancient Apparition Apparition, AA
DwarvenSniper.gif Kardel Sharpeye Dwarven Sniper Sniper
Lich.gif Kel'Thuzad Lich
SkeletonKing.gif King Leoric Skeleton King Leoric, Leo, Skeleking, SKK, SK
DragonKnight.gif Knight Davion Dragon Knight DK
DeathProphet.gif Krobelus Death Prophet Krobe, DP
Admiralproudmoore.gif Kunkka Admiral
TemplarAssassin.gif Lanaya Templar Assassin TA
Venomancer.gif Lesale Deathbringer Venomancer Lesale, Veno
TormentedSoul.gif Leshrac the Malicious Tormented Soul Leshrac, Lesh
TideHunter.gif Leviathan Tidehunter Levi, Tide
Slayer.gif Lina Inverse Slayer Lina
DemonWitch.gif Lion Demon Witch
Doombringer.gif Lucifer Doom Bringer Luci, Doom
Moonrider.gif Luna Moonfang Moon Rider Luna
AntiMage.gif Magina Anti-Mage AM
Magnataur.gif Magnus Magnataur Magna
PandarenBrewmaster.gif Mangix Pandaren Brewmaster Panda
Gorgon.gif Medusa Gorgon Dusa
Geomancer.gif Meepo Geomancer Geo
Spectre.gif Mercurial Spectre Merc, Spec
PriestessOfTheMoon.gif Mirana Nightshade Priestress of the Moon Mirana, PotM
Axe.gif Mogul Kahn Axe
Morphling.gif Morphling Morph
PhantomAssassin.gif Mortred Phantom Assassin PA
Lifestealer.gif N'aix Lifestealer Naix
ChaosKnight.gif Nessaj Chaos Knight CK
ShadowFiend.gif Nevermore Shadow Fiend Never, SF
StoneGiant.gif Tiny Stone Giant
DrowRanger.gif Traxex Drow Ranger Trax, Drow
UrsaWarrior.gif Ulfsaar Ursa Warrior Ursa, Fuzzy Wuzzy
Netherdrake.gif Viper Netherdrake
Necro'lic.gif Visage Necro'lic
WitchDoctor.gif Vol'Jin Witch Doctor Witch Doc, Doc, WD
Juggernaut.gif Yurnero Juggernaut Jugger
LordofOlympia.gif Zeus Lord of Olympia