Ranged (engl. für "mit Reichweite", entspricht "Fernkampf") bezeichnet in DotA Helden mit einer Angriffsreichweite über 128.
Wenn eine Ranged-Einheit hangaufwärts angreift, besteht eine Chance von 25% auf einen Fehlschlag.
Auren die nur auf Ranged-Helden wirken
Auflistung aller Ranged-heroes
Gesamtanzahl: 59
| Reichweite | Fraktion | Funktion |
Squee Spleen and Spoon, Goblin Techies | 700 | Sentinel | Support Pusher AoE Antipusher |
Lina Inverse, Slayer | 670 | Sentinel | Nuker Gang |
Clinkz, Bone Fletcher | 630 | Scourge | Carry |
Traxex, Drow Ranger | 625 | Sentinel | Carry |
Zet, the Arc Warden | 625 | Scourge | Allround |
Nerif, Oracle | 620 | Sentinel | Nuker Support |
Vol'Jin, Witch Doctor | 600 | Scourge | Support AoE Gang |
Ezalor, Keeper of the Light | 600 | Sentinel | Support Pusher Antipusher |
Rubick, Grand Magus | 600 | Sentinel | Disabler Gang Allround |
Alleria, Windrunner | 600 | Sentinel | Gang Semi-Carry |
Lion, Demon Witch | 600 | Scourge | Nuker Support Disabler Gang |
Dragonus, Skywrath Mage | 600 | Sentinel | Nuker Gang |
Mirana Nightshade, Priestess of the Moon | 600 | Sentinel | Gang Semi-Carry |
Demnok Lannik, Warlock | 600 | Scourge | Support Pusher |
Furion, Prophet | 600 | Sentinel | Pusher Gang Semi-Carry |
Leshrac the Malicious, Tormented Soul | 600 | Scourge | Nuker Support Pusher AoE Gang Antipusher |
Kaldr, Ancient Apparition | 600 | Scourge | Support AoE Initiator |
Nortrom, Silencer | 600 | Sentinel | Carry Support |
Visage, Necro'lic | 600 | Scourge | Tank Support Semi-Carry |
Medusa, Gorgon | 600 | Scourge | Tank Carry Antipusher |
Kael, Invoker | 600 | Scourge | Allround |
Chen, Holy Knight | 600 | Sentinel | Support Pusher Gang |
Pugna, Oblivion | 600 | Scourge | Nuker Pusher Antipusher |
Rylai Crestfall, Crystal Maiden | 600 | Sentinel | Nuker Support AoE Gang |
Krobelus, Death Prophet | 600 | Scourge | Pusher AoE |
Thrall, Disruptor | 600 | Sentinel | Nuker AoE Gang |
Viper, Netherdrake | 575 | Scourge | Support Gang Hunter Semi-Carry |
Io, Guardian Wisp | 575 | Sentinel | Support Gang |
Akasha, Queen of Pain | 550 | Scourge | AoE Gang Semi-Carry |
Syllabear, Lone Druid | 550 | Sentinel | Tank Carry Pusher |
Puck, Faerie Dragon | 550 | Sentinel | Nuker AoE Gang Initiator |
Rotund'jere, Necrolyte | 550 | Scourge | Support AoE Semi-Carry |
Aiushtha, Enchantress | 550 | Sentinel | Hunter Semi-Carry |
Kardel Sharpeye, Dwarven Sniper | 550 | Sentinel | Carry |
Dazzle, Shadow Priest | 550 | Scourge | Support |
Kel'Thuzad, Lich | 550 | Scourge | Nuker Support |
Rhasta, Shadow Shaman | 500 | Sentinel | Support Pusher Disabler |
Eredar, Shadow Demon | 500 | Scourge | Nuker Disabler Gang Semi-Carry |
Boush, Tinker | 500 | Sentinel | Nuker Pusher Gang |
Nevermore, Shadow Fiend | 500 | Scourge | Nuker AoE Gang Semi-Carry |
Darchrow, Enigma | 500 | Scourge | Support Pusher AoE Disabler Initiator |
Icarus, Phoenix | 500 | Sentinel | Support AoE Semi-Carry Antipusher |
Jah'rakal, Troll Warlord | 500 | Sentinel | Carry |
Raijin Thunderkeg, Storm Spirit | 480 | Sentinel | Gang Hunter Semi-Carry |
Razor, Lightning Revenant | 475 | Scourge | Carry |
Harbinger, Obsidian Destroyer | 450 | Scourge | Carry |
Lesale Deathbringer, Venomancer | 450 | Scourge | Support Pusher AoE Gang Antipusher |
Auroth, the Winter Wyvern | 425 | Scourge | Support |
Anub'seran, Nerubian Weaver | 425 | Scourge | Carry Hunter |
Shendelzare Silkwood, Vengeful Spirit | 400 | Sentinel | Support Gang Semi-Carry Initiator |
Folgende Melee-Helden können mithilfe eines Skills vorübergehend ranged werden: